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Margin Report                                

Margin Report provides Exchange wise Product wise Scrip wise Utilized Margin and Available / Utilized Margin Summary.

Generate Margin Report

  1. Click Trading à Margin Report. The Margin Report page is displayed.

  1. Select Report Type as Exchange wise Product wise Scrip wise Utilized Margin or Available / Utilized Margin Summary.

  2. Select Periodicity/Exchange from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Submit. The details based on the selected criteria are displayed in the Margin Report page.

Exchange wise Product wise Scrip wise Utilized Margin



  Product Type

  Margin Utilized

  Exposure Margin

  Booked P & L

  MTM P & L



Available / Utilized Margin Summary


  Product Type

 Total Limit

  Margin Utilized

  Exposure Margin

  Booked P & L

  MTM P & L

  Net Available


